From Crisis to Hope: How New Hope Animal Rescue and Pflugerville Pets Alive Joined Forces to Rescue and Transform the Lives of 90 Cats and Their Overwhelmed Caregiver

90 Cats vs 1 Caregiver

The Overwhelming Responsibility of Caring for Over 90 Cats

Imagine the overwhelming responsibility of caring for over 90 cats, all stemming from just two unfixed cats four years ago. This daunting reality became a heartbreaking situation for an overwhelmed individual in Lincoln, TX. That's when New Hope Animal Rescue [NHAR] and Pflugerville Pets Alive [PPA] united forces to halt the cycle of cat reproduction, provide aid, and give these innocent felines, as well as the overwhelmed human caring for them, a chance at a better life. Thanks to the collective effort, we have taken a remarkable leap forward in confronting this crisis head-on but now we need YOUR support to sustain this vital rescue mission.

Collaboration to Halt the Cycle of Cat Reproduction

New Hope Animal Rescue and Pflugerville Pets Alive Unite Forces

We are incredibly grateful to PPA for sponsoring a MASH-style spay/neuter clinic in Austin, which played a pivotal role in addressing our most pressing need: spaying and neutering 37 adult cats to halt the cycle of breeding. Furthermore, New Hope Animal Rescue went above and beyond by transporting 56 young kittens, many of whom were battling upper respiratory infections and coccidia, alongside 7 adult cats. One of the adult cats required surgery for a deglovded  tail, highlighting the extent of their medical needs.

A Remarkable Leap Forward

Making Strides in Confronting the Crisis Head-On

However, our mission is far from over. We still have to spay, neuter, vaccinate, and care for 63 cats that we took into our rescue. This is where YOU can make a difference. We urgently need foster homes for these vulnerable cats.

The Ongoing Mission

Continuing the Effort: Spay, Neuter, Vaccinate, and Care for 63 Cats

You can make a direct impact to sustain this rescue mission through donations to New Hope Animal Rescue. These funds will help provide essential veterinary care, including spay/neuter surgeries and core vaccines, and necessary supplies. Your contribution can be made on our donation page.

Urgent Need for Foster Homes

We still need foster homes for the remaining 63 cats in our care. By opening your heart and home, you can provide these vulnerable cats with a safe and nurturing environment during their journey towards finding their forever homes.

Making a Difference Through Donations

Supporting New Hope Animal Rescue's Vital Work

Your generous donations play a crucial role in sustaining our rescue efforts. With your support, we can continue to provide the necessary care and medical attention to these rescued cats. Every contribution counts and makes a significant impact on their lives.

Essential Veterinary Care and Necessary Supplies

The funds received go towards essential veterinary care, spay/neuter surgeries, vaccinations, medications, and supplies required to ensure their health and well-being.