My name is Ducky and I’m looking for a very special person to adopt me. To look at me you would think I’m just a normal happy dog who is a little wobbly in the back end. And that’s honestly mostly true. When I entered the rescue I couldn’t even walk, so I am so happy to finally be able to run around and play with dogs and toys and snuggle up with my foster mom without pain.
But the truth is, I don’t know how much time I have here. It could be months or years. I do know that I’m just as deserving of a good home as other dogs. I do promise to love you hard and make you laugh for whatever time I have and I haven’t given up on finding a home.
Despite all of the testing and MRIs, I don’t have a confirmed diagnosis but my neurologist thinks everything lines up with something called GME. I’m on steroids to keep me strong and happy and running around, but these drugs ability to help me will likely diminish over time. That’s where you come in. I would need a strong person to know when it’s time help me cross the rainbow bridge. But that day is not today. I’m still here to love you and be my fun, playful, sassy self. No matter what happens, my love will always be with you.