Witnessing owner surrenders is always heart breaking and upsetting, especially when the animals being turned in are senior dogs with great medical needs that put them at risk of euthanasia. Both had spent their lives as outside only dogs. Cheeto was extremely under-weight and covered in flea bites. He was missing half of his fur and had a large smelly growth growing out of his ear. Later, we would determine he was heart worm positive as well. Chica by comparison was in a good health, but trembling uncontrollably in fear. As senior dogs with medical needs, these are not easy dogs for a rescue to take on due to medical costs and adoptability. But we took a chance on Cheeto and Chica. They did not deserve to spend their golden years at a shelter, or worse, euthanized. So after we gave them a quick bath, it was time to make a break for it and give them the best car ride they would ever take - a FREEDOM RIDE!
Thank you to our amazing donors we were able fundraise to cover their medical needs, including costly heart worm treatment, ear surgery and dental work. And with some TLC, flea prevention and a special bath, Cheetos hair grew back within just a couple of weeks!
It takes a special person to not just adopt one senior dog but two, and Cheeto and Chica found that special person! They now reside in a beautiful south Austin home with their new mom. Her only complaint is she has no room in her bed because both sleep pressed tight up against her, safe and sound.